Susan Shapiro

Susan Shapiro, an award-winning writer and professor, freelances for the NY Times, Washington Post, WSJ, LA Times, NY Magazine, Salon, Elle, Oprah, Wired & New Yorker online. She's the bestselling author/coauthor of 18 books her family hates like Five Men Who Broke My Heart, Lighting Up, Unhooked, The Bosnia List and her recent memoir The Forgiveness Tour. She lives with her scriptwriter husband in Manhattan and uses her writing/publishing guides The Book Bible and Byline Bible to teach her wildly popular "instant gratification takes too long" courses at The New School, NYU, Columbia University and in private classes & seminars - now online. Follow her on Twitter at @susanshapironet, Instagram at @Profsue123 or email

Sue on TV Good Day NY
Sue on CBS News with Cindy Hsu


Booklist starred review of Book Bible
Library Journal starred review of World In Between
Book List starred review of World In Between
Publishers Weekly Starred Review of Forgiveness Tour
Business Insider ❤️s The Byline Bible & Sue’s Zoom class

Winner of 2023 ASJA book Award

Winner of 2019 ASJA Book Award
Winner of 2018 Best Book Award for Writing & Publishing

Follow Sue on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Purchase at, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell's, Books-A-Million

english cover Whitehouse letter spanish cover
MSNBC 1/23/25 Interview with Gonell, Fanone, Dunn & Hodges
Daily News Except
The Sergeant on CNN’s Jake Tapper
For Many of Us, Jan. 6 Never Ended - NY Times Op-ed
Gonell interviewed for Washington Post
Gonell interviewed on NPR
Gonell on CNN January 6 2024
Gonell on MSNBC January 6 2024
Forbes profile
Daily News January 6 piece
Q&A with Sue & Aquilino
Salon January 6 oped
Aquilino Gonell on CNN - December 15, 2023
Sergeant Gonell on MSNBC - October 23, 2023
Salon interview
Huff Post Excerpt
Politico Interview
PW Review
Kirkus Reviews
Library Journal Review
Library Journal pre-pub alert
New York Times oped
Washington Post oped
Dominican Writers
Q & A in Village Sun
Review in the Bulwark

American Shield book launch
at The Potter’s House in DC
with Aquilino Gonell and Congressman Jamie Raskin

In this powerful autobiography, Gonell describes the experiences of immigrating from the Dominican Republic to Brooklyn, serving in the U.S. Army, graduating from college, serving with the Capitol Police in Washington, D.C., defending Congress during the January 6, 2021, insurrection, and publicly testifying about the horrific events of that day. Along the way, he recounts troubles with his family life, the language barrier that hindered his efforts to assimilate into American society, and life-threatening service in Iraq during the height of the violence there. Gonell shares the joy and feelings of patriotism in becoming an American citizen, veteran, college graduate, and decorated police officer. In very personal terms, Gonell, assisted by Shapiro, displays his love for his adopted country through words and deeds and expresses his dismay over those trying to tear it all down, including politicians. American Shield is the moving story of a man overcoming great adversity to become an exemplary citizen, only to suffer terrible injuries while defending the Constitution, democracy, and American freedom.
James Pekoll, Booklist Review

YA: Teens will gain empathy and understanding regarding immigration and what it means to be an American.

Copyright 2004-2024 Susan Shapiro. All Rights Reserved.
Fix-Up Fanatic cover art by Mary Lynn Blasutta